L33t Cooking Style

I've been developing my recipe's recently, and I've extended my skills to beef vegetable soup!

Here's my beef vegetable soup recipe:

  1. Collect soup stuff (beef, vegetables, sauce)
  2. Throw it in the big pot
  3. Add water
  4. Cook
  5. Season with anything found in the cabinet
  6. Cook more
  7. Season more
  8. Usually ends up serving 20

As a bonus, here's my chili recipe:

  1. Collect chili stuff (meat, beans, sauce, peppers, onions, garlic)
  2. Throw it in the big pot
  3. Add water
  4. Cook
  5. Season with anything found in the cabinet
  6. Cook more
  7. Season more
  8. Usually ends up serving 20

And my fried rice recipe:

  1. Collect fried rice stuff (meat, cooked rice, sauce, vegetables)
  2. Throw it in the WOK! (note my versatility)
  3. Add water
  4. Cook
  5. Season with anything found in the cabinet
  6. Cook more
  7. Season more
  8. Usually ends up serving 20

Filed Under: Home Humor