03 November 2022
I have 73 feeds I currently follow. I have a whole system of prioritization, so I can listen to important things first. I’ve listed them alphabetically here:
99% Invisible https://feeds.simplecast.com/BqbsxVfO
All About Android (Audio) https://feeds.twit.tv/aaa.xml
All Songs Considered https://feeds.npr.org/510019/podcast.xml?uid=n1qe4e85742c986fdb81d2d38ffa0d5d53
Android Central Podcast https://androidcentral.libsyn.com/rss
Arrested DevOps https://www.arresteddevops.com/episode/index.xml
At Liberty https://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:40330678/sounds.rss
Back to Work https://feeds.fireside.fm/backtowork/rss
The Best of Car Talk https://feeds.npr.org/510208/podcast.xml
The Candid Frame: Conversations on Photography https://thecandidframe.libsyn.com/rss
CaSE: Conversations about Software Engineering https://www.case-podcast.org/feed/aac
The Changelog: Software Development, Open Source https://changelog.com/podcast/feed
ClojureStream Podcast https://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:627190089/sounds.rss
Cognicast https://feeds.feedburner.com/cognicast
The Daily https://feeds.simplecast.com/54nAGcIl
Darknet Diaries https://feeds.megaphone.fm/darknetdiaries
defn https://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:220484243/sounds.rss
Distractible https://feeds.megaphone.fm/QCD8163454930
Do By Friday https://feeds.simplecast.com/5nKJV82u
Do By Friday After Show (Private Link)
Don’t Ask Tig https://feeds.publicradio.org/public_feeds/dont-ask-tig/itunes/rss.rss
Engineering Culture by InfoQ https://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:258266127/sounds.rss
Escape Pod https://escapepod.org/feed/podcast/
Everything is Alive http://feeds.everythingisalive.com/everythingisalive
FLOSS Weekly (Audio) https://feeds.twit.tv/floss.xml
The Fox News Rundown https://feeds.megaphone.fm/FOXM1880458659
Freakonomics Radio https://feeds.simplecast.com/Y8lFbOT4
Functional Geekery https://www.functionalgeekery.com/feed/mp3/
Global News Podcast https://podcasts.files.bbci.co.uk/p02nq0gn.rss
Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing https://feeds.simplecast.com/XcH2p3Ah
Groovy Podcast http://groovypodcast.podbean.com/feed/
Hacker Public Radio http://hackerpublicradio.org/hpr_rss.php
Hanselminutes with Scott Hanselman https://feeds.simplecast.com/gvtxUiIf
Hidden Brain https://feeds.simplecast.com/kwWc0lhf
How I Built This with Guy Raz https://rss.art19.com/how-i-built-this
Interview Podcast – Echoes https://echoes.org/category/program-highlights/interviews/feed/
Jeffery Saddoris: Everything https://pcr.apple.com/id1438550795/
JS Party: JavaScript, CSS, Web Development https://changelog.com/jsparty/feed
JUXT Cast https://feeds.feedburner.com/JuxtCast
LensWork - Photography and the Creative Process https://www.lenswork.com/podcast.xml
Linux Inlaws https://linuxinlaws.eu/inlaws_rss.xml
Lost in Lambduhhs https://anchor.fm/s/581d4eb4/podcast/rss
Marketplace All-in-One https://www.marketplace.org/feed/podcast/marketplace-all-in-one
The Mortified Podcast https://feeds.feedburner.com/MortifiedPod
No Stupid Questions https://feeds.simplecast.com/dfh_verV
NPR News Now https://feeds.npr.org/500005/podcast.xml
Oh No, Ross and Carrie https://feeds.simplecast.com/ftB6Gihc
On the Media https://feeds.feedburner.com/onthemedia
People I (Mostly) Admire https://feeds.simplecast.com/rP60Wf24
Podcast – Cory Doctorow’s craphound.com https://feeds.feedburner.com/doctorow_podcast
The REPL https://feeds.therepl.net/therepl
Security Now (Audio) https://feeds.twit.tv/sn.xml
Smashing Podcast https://feeds.transistor.fm/smashing
Software Defined Talk https://www.softwaredefinedtalk.com/rss
Software Engineering Radio - the podcast for professional software developers https://seradio.libsyn.com/rss
Song Exploder https://feed.songexploder.net/SongExploder
The Stack Overflow Podcast https://feeds.simplecast.com/XA_851k3
TED Radio Hour https://feeds.npr.org/510298/podcast.xml
This American Life https://www.thisamericanlife.org/podcast/rss.xml
This Week in Tech (Audio) https://feeds.twit.tv/twit.xml
Thoughtworks Technology Podcast https://thoughtworks.libsyn.com/rss
Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! https://feeds.npr.org/344098539/podcast.xml
Welcome to Night Vale http://feeds.nightvalepresents.com/welcometonightvalepodcast
What’s Your Problem? https://www.omnycontent.com/d/playlist/e73c998e-6e60-432f-8610-ae210140c5b1/32c25e85-1667-4acb-99fd-ae3c0021f33e/beacef48-19d2-4f52-b9e8-ae3c0021f347/podcast.rss
Wicked Good Development https://anchor.fm/s/81a22db8/podcast/rss
Wrong About Everything https://wrongabouteverything.libsyn.com/rss
WTF with Marc Maron Podcast https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/62a222737c02140013aa4c03
You Are Not So Smart https://feeds.simplecast.com/N5eKDxJI
30 August 2020
I have a good bit of music I had acquired and ripped in the late 90s and had purchased from Amazon later. That all lives in a directory on my big computer. I never play anything from there, and it just sits there for safe keeping.
I continued to purchase DRM-free MP3 files from Amazon Music, and I eventually embraced their "free" streaming with Amazon Prime. I could add available music to my collection for free, and then stream it along with the stuff I bought, so it’s nice and blended. This allowed me to easily toss a new album or artist into rotation, and if I really want, I might purchase it to keep.
The Prime streaming service had some limitations with some music I wanted to sample being unavailable, and sometimes, I’d notice some of the free music disappeared from my collection. I decided to pay the little bit for the Unlimited Music plan, and that made almost everything available. I notice very few cases of music becoming unavailable, so now I don’t bother buying downloadable MP3s except in rare cases where I want to be able to use a song on another device outside the Amazon Music client.
I don’t really use the stations at all on Amazon Music. I don’t feel the need to hear large numbers of new songs all the time, so I have a smaller curated list of podcasts and DJs where I discover new music to add to my collection at Amazon:
All Songs Considered at NPR Podcasts
Echoes Interview Podcast for chill ambient electronic music
Song Exploder Podcast for extended discussion on the anatomy of a song
Shadowland the monthly Goth/Industrial party
DJ Neidermeyer for 80s and 90s Music I may have never known or had forgotten
I had uploaded all my music to Google Play Music years ago, but there had always been news of the service’s eventual demise. It’s finally migrated recently over to YouTube Music, and they seem to have reintroduced the ability to upload my own music. I’ve paid for YouTube Premium, so I have YouTube Music as well, and this could be a nice alternative. I have a few albums uploaded there which I can’t find on Amazon. I don’t think I can buy music there, though, and I’ve already purchased a good bit of (DRM-free) music on Amazon.
24 July 2018
Listen 0
Hourly News Summary - http://www.npr.org/rss/podcast.php?id=500005
Listen 1
Radiolab from WNYC - http://feeds.wnyc.org/radiolab
NPR Programs: Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! Podcast - http://www.npr.org/rss/podcast.php?id=35
PRI Echoes Interviews - http://echoes.org/podcasts/feed
Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing - http://www.qdnow.com/grammar.xml
NPR How To Do Everything Podcast - http://www.npr.org/rss/podcast.php?id=510303
The Candid Frame A Photography Podcast - http://thecandidframe.libsyn.com/rss
Photography Tips from the Top Floor - http://feeds.tipsfromthetopfloor.com/tftf
All About Android - http://leoville.tv/podcasts/aaa
Android App Addicts - http://feeds.feedburner.com/androidappaddicts
APM: Garrison Keillor’s The Writer’s Almanac Podcast feed - http://writersalmanac.publicradio.org/podcast/feed.php
Back to Work - http://feeds.5by5.tv/b2w
Android App Arena (MP3) - http://feeds.twit.tv/arena.xml
LensWork - Photography and the Creative Process - http://lenswork.com/podcast.xml
TWiP Talks - http://thisweekinphoto.com/category/interviews/feed/
TWiP Street Focus - http://thisweekinphoto.com/category/street-focus/feed/
The Digital Photo Experience - http://feeds.feedburner.com/DPExperienceEnhancedPodcast
The Photo Brigade Podcast - http://photobrigade.libsyn.com/rss
Thoughts on Photography - http://thoughtsonphotography.libsyn.com/rss
99% Invisible - http://feeds.99percentinvisible.org/99percentinvisible
Android Police Podcast - http://feeds.feedburner.com/AndroidPolicePodcast
TWiP Your Itinerary - http://thisweekinphoto.com/category/your-itinerary/feed/
Groovy Podcast - http://groovypodcast.podbean.com/feed/
PetaPixel Photography Podcast - http://petapixel.libsyn.com/rss
Functional Geekery - http://www.functionalgeekery.com/feed/mp3/
Jeff Curto’s Camera Position - http://feeds.feedburner.com/cameraposition
Acquired - http://www.acquired.fm/episodes?format=rss
Hit The Streets with Valerie Jardin - http://valeriejardinphotography.libsyn.com/rss
Do By Friday - https://rss.simplecast.com/podcasts/2389/rss
Smart Talk - https://features.witf.org/stpodcast/feed/podcast/
Listen 2
This Week in Tech (MP3) - http://feeds.twit.tv/twit
Android Central Podcast - http://feeds.feedburner.com/AndroidCentralPodcast
NPR: TED Radio Hour Podcast - http://www.npr.org/rss/podcast.php?id=510298
NPR: Car Talk Podcast - http://www.npr.org/rss/podcast.php?id=510208
The Moth Podcast - http://feeds.feedburner.com/themothpodcast
Triangulation (MP3) - http://feeds.twit.tv/tri
APM Marketplace All In One - http://feeds.americanpublicmedia.org/marketplaceallinone
FLOSS Weekly (MP3) - http://feeds.twit.tv/floss
The Giz Wiz (MP3) - http://feeds.twit.tv/dgw
This Week in Law (MP3) - http://feeds.twit.tv/twil
Rationally Speaking - http://nycskeptics.org/storage/feeds/rs.xml
Tank Riot - http://www.tankriot.com/rss.xml
The Digital Story - http://www.thedigitalstory.com/feed/podcast.xml
Martin Bailey Photography Podcast MP3 - http://www.martinbaileyphotography.com/podcastmp3.php
The Linux Action Show! MP3 - http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheLinuxActionShow
Linux For The Rest Of Us - http://feeds.feedburner.com/linuxfortherestofus
All Chariot Podcasts - http://chariotsolutions.com/podcasts/show/all-shows/feed/
The Cognicast - Cognitect Blog - http://feeds.cognitect.com/cognicast/feed.rss
Photofocus - http://feeds.feedburner.com/photofocuspodcast
Cory Doctorow’s craphound.com » Podcast - http://feeds.feedburner.com/doctorow_podcast
Hanselminutes - http://feeds.podtrac.com/9dPm65vdpLL1
Android Developers Backstage - http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspot/AndroidDevelopersBackstage
Song Exploder - http://songexploder.libsyn.com/rss
Note to Self - http://feeds.wnyc.org/notetoself-podcast
Ask Me Another - http://www.npr.org/rss/podcast.php?id=510299
The Changelog - http://feeds.5by5.tv/changelog
Welcome to Night Vale - http://nightvale.libsyn.com/rss
Freakonomics Radio - http://feeds.feedburner.com/freakonomicsradio
Alice Isn’t Dead - http://aliceisntdead.libsyn.com/rss
Oh No Ross and Carrie - http://feeds.feedburner.com/OhNoPodcast
WITF Smart Talk - http://feeds.witf.org/witf-smarttalk-podcast
StreetPX - A Photography Podcast - http://streetpx.com/feed/podcast/
Engineering Culture by InfoQ - http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:258266127/sounds.rss
How I Built This - https://www.npr.org/rss/podcast.php?id=510313
The Stack Overflow Podcast - http://blog.stackoverflow.com/feed/podcast/
Benjamen Walker’s Theory of Everything - http://feeds.prx.org/toe
defn - http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:220484243/sounds.rss
B&H Photography Podcast - http://bhphotopodcast.libsyn.com/rss
No Name Photo Show - http://nonamephotoshow.libsyn.com/rss
On the Media - http://feeds.wnyc.org/onthemedia
10% Happier with Dan Harris - http://feeds.feedburner.com/abcradio/10percenthappier
Voices in AI - https://voicesinai.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=go_briefing_feed&feed_type=xml
Wrong About Everything - http://wrongabouteverything.libsyn.com/rss
The Picturing Success Podcast - http://picturingsuccess.libsyn.com/rss
At Liberty - http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:40330678/sounds.rss
Everything is Alive - http://feeds.everythingisalive.com/everythingisalive
Listen 3
This American Life - http://feeds.thisamericanlife.org/talpodcast
Security Now (MP3) - http://feeds.twit.tv/sn
Hacker Public Radio - http://hackerpublicradio.org/hpr_rss.php
the memory palace - http://memorypalace.wm.wizzard.tv/rss
Quit - http://feeds.5by5.tv/quit
Software Engineering Radio - The Podcast for Professional Software Developers - http://feeds.feedburner.com/se-radio
All Songs Considered - http://www.npr.org/rss/podcast.php?id=510019&uid=n1qe4e85742c986fdb81d2d38ffa0d5d53
The Allusionist - http://feeds.theallusionist.org/Allusionist
The Mortified Podcast - http://feeds.getmortified.com/MortifiedPod
You Are Not So Smart - http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:16745745/sounds.rss
Process Driven - https://jefferysaddoris.com/processdriven/feed/
Goldie presents the Metalheadz podcast - http://feeds.feedburner.com/Metalheadz
On Taking Pictures - http://feeds.5by5.tv/otp
LambdaCast - http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:239787249/sounds.rss
Conversations with People Who Hate Me - http://conversationswithpeoplewhohateme.libsyn.com/rss
Meditations, The by AURELIUS, Marcus - https://librivox.org/rss/1095
24 February 2016
I’ve heard lots of talk recently about information overload. I even tried to do that whole Infomagical Challenge, and I couldn’t really convince myself it was necessary. I just don’t seem to have that addiction trait.
Our social feeds are in reverse chronological order — dip in, see the latest, scroll a little to see something older, and then move on. Sure I’ll hit reload a couple times when I’m bored to see something new, (but I could totally stop whenever I want). I don’t feel like I need to necessarily click the bait or read everything.
When I want to keep up with a little news outside of the social networks, Feedly is showing me headlines from newest to oldest. I’m sure I miss some news, since I only scroll through maybe 100 stories at a time, but anything worth knowing will be mentioned a couple times over the days and weeks. I just never see some blips in news, and that’s OK — it probably wasn’t worth the time anyway.
I have BeyondPod configured to do the same thing for my audio listening. Sometimes I have 50 podcasts queued up, and sometimes I run it down to 0. I have 3 priorities into which I categorize each feed, so I can always hear my favorites first, but within each of those priorities, the episodes are still presented in LIFO order, so I don’t fall behind. When I listen my way down to something that’s just out-of-date and low in priority, I can just delete it.
The reverse-chronological (or LIFO, last-in-first-out) order works great for my photo workflow too. When I was working chronologically, every photo ended up late — up to a month or 2 at times. Working from the newest stuff back fixed that. The latest party or event could often get posted, while some lower-priority sets of photos could wait a little. When I got super-busy, some photos could end up a month or 2 delayed, but not all of them.
LIFO even saves me time when I’m culling photos, which is the first thing I do after importing photos. We often work a scene and shoot until we’re convinced that we have the shot we want, so I start looking for the keepers from the end of the set and browse my way back to the beginning of the set. When I know I have the keeper, I can more confidently skip all the previous images that led me to the keeper. There was no point in studying those earlier half-baked images when I’ll keep finding better versions as I work forward.
Once I’ve picked that 10% I’m keeping, I delete everything else, because I still have the end in mind — reasonably backing up all my images. Some probably find that idea backward too.